Category: Music technology

  • 30 minute SYNTHWAVE challenge with NI SUPER 8

    If you are curious about my music production process then this video is for you. We demonstrate the newly .launched Native Instruments SUPER 8 synthesizer by putting together a quick track in a synthwave style.

  • Software piano shootout – Pianoteq vs Native Instruments

    In this video we compare four software pianos, two using physical modelling and two sample libraries. Here are high-quality audio recordings of each piano. Pianoteq – Steinway D Pianoteq – Petrof Native Instruments – Alicia’s Keys Native Instruments – The Grandeur

  • How to compose horror movie soundtrack with KINETIC TOYS and THRILL

    Today’s lesson is a combination of a music technology tutorial of two cinematic sounding VST plugins from Native Instruments, Kinetic Toys and Thrill. I’ll also give you some ideas about how to compose soundtracks for the horror movie genre. You can download the audio stems for this lesson using the link below, you are free…


    In this video we compare the ease of use and sound of a virtual guitar software plugin with my attempts to play and record a real acoustic guitar. I’ll also take you through the process of creating a folk song using Native Instruments Kontakt sample libraries.

  • Ableton Live synthwave tutorial

    Here’s a breakdown of a remix I created in the synthwave genre using Ableton Live. We cover the following topics, and more! Importing and tempo-matching audio stems into Ableton Creating tracks using software synths like DEXED and TAL-UNO-LX Drum racks and LinnDrum drum machine samples Using effects plugins Composing and arranging Mixing Mastering Exporting and…